Bonjour tout le monde
Hi all
C' est un nouveau challenge "tout va" aujourd'hui
This is new challenge "anything goes" today
great thanks to our fabulous sponsor
Twistoon digi stamps
Twistoon digi stamps

prix de $10 et un autre de $5
price of $10 and another of $5
price of $10 and another of $5
Sans plus attendre voici les superbes réalisations de l'équipe
Without further ado here are the stunning mades of the team
using witches friend
using hubble bubble
using cat in witches hat
Maintenant c'est ton tour !
Prends soin de toi, reste en bonne santé
et participe jusqu'au samedi 10 october midi
Now it's your turn !
Now it's your turn !
Take care, stay healthy and join until saturday october 10th at noon
À bientôt
See you soon Here is my entry for challenge #16
RépondreSupprimerThank you!
Your link up tool is saying that the maximum number of entries has been reached but I think the challenge is still open. Should I add my link to a comment here?
RépondreSupprimerI'm going to give you the link to my entry and hope it counts. :-D